7 reasons why Bridge is ‘the world’s greatest game’

Bridge is sometimes called the ‘world’s greatest game’. Here are 8 reasons why this is true…

1. Bridge is Fun!!

A little bit of competition, the element of chance, and some keen players – Bridge is both entertaining and exciting. The biggest reason why Bridge is the ‘world’s greatest game’ is that it’s lots of fun.

2. Anyone can play Bridge

Bridge knows no boundaries – anyone can play no matter where you come from, your age, or gender. Certainly age isn’t a barrier to success in Bridge – in 2007, an 82 year old won the US national duplicate Bridge championship.

 Bridge is played in 112 countries around the world

3. It’s easy to learn Bridge

A great way to start playing Bridge is to take Bridge lessons, you can do this right here at the Newbies Bridge club.  Many people also learn by playing Bridge online – there are some excellent websites that simulate actual Bridge games. Check out our tips for Bridge beginners.

4. Play Bridge anywhere, anytime

You don’t need any equipment other than a pack of cards and four willing players. I’ve had some fantastic Bridge games on the Interisland ferry – made the 3 ½ hours go very quickly!

5. Bridge is good for your brain

Playing Bridge provides endless learning and intellectual stimulation. Older people who play Bridge report feeling mentally sharp and believe that it prevents or delays cognitive problems.

6. Meet new people

One of the great things about Bridge is the people you meet – people you’d likely never come across in your day to day life. People of all ages, differing backgrounds and occupations. Many wonderful relationships have started over a game of Bridge.

7. Success

Little old New Zealand produced two of the world’s best Bridge players – Ash Bach and Michael Cornell who won the World Bridge games in Poland, 2016. Whilst we’re not all going to get to that level, there are endless ways to improve your game and feel success.

Playing Bridge evokes a range of emotions; despair when you lose a hand, triumph when you win, satisfaction when a hand plays out the way you imagined. It’s truly the world’s greatest game!



5 thoughts on “7 reasons why Bridge is ‘the world’s greatest game’

  1. newbiesbridgeclub2017

    Hi Newbies Bridge Club
    There is some great information about bridge here! I am based in Auckland, and currently live alone. I have been looking for a new hobby/pastime – something to challenge my brain as I get older and as a way of meeting new people. I am inspired to join your club! You have made bridge sound accessible (I’ve never played before) and fun. It sounds like a very social game, with the bonus being it’s good for your brain.
    Who do I contact to join your club please?
    Kind regards
    Noeline Smith


  2. hellohannahdell

    Hi Newbies

    Thank you so much for this interesting post. It is so easy to read and I’ve learnt a lot about the game! I’m very interested to come a long and see what the “Worlds Greatest Game” is like for myself.




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